Join us as we take you on a 3 hour tour (yes, just like Gilligan’s Island) in one of our comfortable tour buses. Enjoy a moose / wildlife tour on the North Country's longest-running tour with experienced wildlife guides that know just where to search and find MOOSE!
It is illegal to shine lights in order to spot moose or other animals, but we have permission from the state of NH, so our buses are equipped with spot lights to find and view MOOSE after dark. Night time is the ideal time to view moose, but also the most dangerous as they blend in with their surroundings and dark backgrounds. That’s why we recommend letting us do the driving and searching for you!
When possible and safe, we allow visitors to disembark the bus and get a closer look at these beautiful animals. Our success rate for 2013 was 96% and in one tour we were fortunate to see 23 MOOSE! Our tours run from the end of May until the end of September in order to increase our chances of seeing our wonder friends, the MOOSE.
Please understand that MOOSE like all animals can be unpredictable and there is no guarantee of seeing a moose, but we will make every effort to make your trip enjoyable!

Mount Jefferson View is not affiliated with, maintained by, or in any way officially connected with Gorham, NH Moose Tours or any of its business units.